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Pro Time & Motion Study Template - Including Auotmated Dashboard

Based on 2,392 reviews

This template includes features such as Hold Timer, Multi File Auto Consolidation, Automated Utilization Analysis, Dashboards etc.

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Our templates are popular among data analysts, project managers, financial analysts who are working with

Companies trust Excelsirji
Time and Motion Features
This Purchase Includes

Why you should buy this tool?

Our Excel VBA-powered Time and Motion Study Template is the key to unlocking hidden productivity gains within your team or individual workflows.

Precision Time Tracking

Effortlessly record task durations and uncover the 'time sinks' in your process.

Team-Wide Insights

Consolidate data for a comprehensive view of individual and group productivity patterns.

Automated Analysis

Instantly generate insightful reports that guide strategic improvement decisions.

Effortless Setup

User-friendly interface and intuitive instructions for quick implementation. No prior experience needed.

What Real Customers Are Saying About This Template?

Professionals from leading Fortune companies choose this template.

About the Author

Picture of Kailash Sharma

Kailash Sharma

Kailash Sharma (ExcelSirJi) is a Microsoft Certified Trainer and a senior Excel consultant. His passion for Excel and problem-solving has led him to develop over 10000+ automated Excel tools for top Fortune companies. He shares his expertise through his platform, ExcelSirJi, providing courses and resources to help others master Excel. He is a leading Udemy Instructor.


Do I need MS Office Installed or Web Version?

You would need installed version of MS Office. Most of the tools works fine with version 2010 or above versions.

Can i customize the code of the tool?

Yes, if you have purchased VBA password free version then you can customize the tool as per your requirements.

Will you provide me instruction on how to use the tool?

Yes, you will be getting a user manual and how to use the tool video link on purchase of the tool.

What if I get stucked, will you be helping me?

If you have purchased premium version of the tool which comes with Q&A support, there is a dedicated Group where you can ask your questions and Experts are gonna help you with your questions.

I made the payment but I have not received the tool copy.

You can contact our team through Contact us page with payment receipt.