Outlook Bulk Email Tool is an Excel and Outlook based tool which helps you to send or draft email in bulk right from Excel. It reads the recipient details from Excel sheet and uses Outlook installed on your system to generate emails. The tool supports To, Cc, Subject, Email Body, Attachment, HTML Table in Email Body.
why to waste effort when we have ready tool specially designed for you which make your work super easy and quick.. click below link for download.
Custom Calendar Control for MS Access MS Access by default provides inbuilt functionality to pick dates using calendar control; however it lacks few basic functionalities which makes selecting a date bit difficult. For example, if…
How to use VBA to open Workbook in Excel? There are few VBA codes which are commonly used by every developer. One of them is giving an option to user to browse a file. Below is a…
VBA CODE TO HIDE MENU RIBBON IN MS ACCESS In MS Access, there are multiple ways to protect your code or tool from un-authorized access and edits. Some developers prefers to hide MS Access ribbons…
Index Match in Excel are powerful tools for advanced lookups. They’re popular because they’re incredibly flexible. You can use them to search horizontally or vertically, perform two-way searches, find values to the left of your search criteria, handle case-sensitive searches, and even search using multiple conditions. If you want to improve your Excel skills, mastering INDEX and MATCH is essential. Below, you’ll find numerous examples to help you grasp how they function.
How to count words in Excel using the LEN function along with other Excel functions. It also gives formulas for counting words or text, whether case-sensitive or not, in a cell or range.
VBA code that will sum cells by its color through excel function. This code will really help in making the analysis and presentation better.