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Lock Cells to avoid editing, Hide Formulas
Lock Cells to avoid editing, Hide Formulas Sometimes you create amazing projects, dashboards however people can make mistakes and edit the calculations, formats what you have made. Still you can protect the sheets, workbooks and…

Impress your Clients by Hiding these Simple Features
How to Hide Ribbon &Formula bar in excel? While preparing many projects, my clients always want me to make professional, good looking dashboards. So I hide few things like Gridlines, Column & Row headings and…

How to Count Words in a cell?
How to count words in Excel using the LEN function along with other Excel functions. It also gives formulas for counting words or text, whether case-sensitive or not, in a cell or range.

How to Subtract in Excel – with easy 5 examples
To subtract numbers in Excel, follow these steps:
Start by typing an equal sign (=) in the cell where you want the result.
Enter the first number or cell reference you want to subtract from.
Type a minus sign (-).
Enter the second number or cell reference you want to subtract.

Excel Line Breaks Made Simple: Quick Tips & Techniques
In Excel, a line break lets you finish one line of text and begin another within the same cell. It helps create separate lines of information without needing to move to a different cell.

Conditional Formatting helps to easily identify the usual and unusual numbers/ conditions, creating interactive visualization by means of Highlight Cells by Rules, Top/Bottom Rules, Data Bars, Color Scales and Icon Sets.