Dates function also be used to subtract the Year, Month and Days from the existing dates. Sometimes we need to subtract specific period from the date. In case you are working on large database, this become tedious job for calculating date difference
Here we discussed the various scenarios where we can subtract the period from the dates. These are the simple formulas which will help you to perform these calculations with just few steps
We can subtract any number of years from the existing date and as part of example we will be following below Syntax to subtract the “5” years from the date
Syntax: =DATE(YEAR(A2)-5,MONTH(A2),DAY(A2))
In the above example, we are subtracting 5 years from 19th Sep 2019 and output will be 19th Sep 2014 (i.e. Year 2019 (-) 5 Years= 2014)
Adding Years in Dates: Below Syntax will be used to add “5” Years in the existing date
Syntax: =DATE(YEAR(A2)+5,MONTH(A2),DAY(A2))
In the above example, we are adding 5 years in 19th Sep 2019 and output will be 19th Sep 2024 (i.e. Year 2019 + 5 Years= 2024)
Below Syntax will be used to subtract “5” months from the date
Syntax: =DATE(YEAR(A2),MONTH(A2)-5,DAY(A2))
In the above example, we are subtracting 5 months from 19th Sep 2019 and output will be 19th April 2019 (i.e. Sep Month (i.e. 9th Month) -5 Months= April (i.e. 4th Month))
Below Syntax will be used to add “5” months in the date
Syntax =DATE(YEAR(A2),MONTH(A2)+5,DAY(A2))
In the above example, we are adding 5 months in 19th Sep 2019 and output will be 19th Feb 2020 (i.e. Sep Month (i.e. 9th Month) +5 Months= Feb (i.e. 2th Feb of next year))
Below Syntax will be used to subtract “5” days from the date
Syntax: =DATE(YEAR(A2),MONTH(A2),DAY(A2)-5)
In the above example, we are subtracting 5 days from 19th Sep 2019 and output will be 14th Sep 2019 (i.e. 19th Sep -5 Days= 14th Sep)
Below Syntax will be used to add “5” days in the date
Syntax =DATE(YEAR(A2),MONTH(A2),DAY(A2)+5)
In the above example, we are adding 5 days in 19th Sep 2019 and output will be 24th Sep 2019 (i.e. 19th Sep +5 Days= 24th Sep)
Calculating days between two different dates are most common function that is used in Microsoft excel. I saw many users tries various complex method to calculate the difference but this is really a simple math calculations
We just need to place an excel formula i.e. “= Latest Date – Oldest Date”
MAX function is used to get the largest number in range or list of values. MAX function has one required argument i.e. number1
RANK function performs the Ranking in a range or list of numbers. Function returns the rank position and can assigned as highest or lowest value as 1st Rank
You must have faced a condition when your data cells contain extra spaces, leading spaces or trailing spaces and you wanted to remove these extra spaces to standardize the data. So here you may use…
ROUND function rounds the number value to nearest digit mentioned in argument.
ROUND function has two required arguments i.e. number and num_digits
SUMPRODUCT function performs multiplication of numbers within arrays and then sum the values SUMPRODUCT function has array1, 2.. arguments.
LEN function is used for counting number of characters in available string. The output of the function returns the count in new cell.