In different parts of the world, there are different languages spoken and written. With this, a VBA programmer also faces language related issues while writing a VBA program. Here is a common date related problem solved which converts a date written in MM.DD.YYYY format into Excel standard date.
'This function converts a date from MM.DD.YYYY to system date format
Public Function ConvertToDate(strInputDate As String) As Date
'Variable Declaration
Dim iMonth As Integer
Dim iDay As Integer
Dim lYear As Long
'Get month from first 2 digits
If IsNumeric(Left(strInputDate, InStr(1, strInputDate, ".") - 1)) = True Then
iMonth = Left(strInputDate, InStr(1, strInputDate, ".") - 1)
ConvertToDate = Null
Exit Function
End If
'Get day from input date
If IsNumeric(Mid(strInputDate, InStr(1, strInputDate, ".") + 1, 2)) = True Then
iDay = Mid(strInputDate, InStr(1, strInputDate, ".") + 1, 2)
ConvertToDate = Null
Exit Function
End If
'Get year from last 4 digits
If IsNumeric(Right(strInputDate, 4)) = True Then
lYear = Right(strInputDate, 4)
ConvertToDate = Null
Exit Function
End If
'Create a complete date and return the value
ConvertToDate = CDate(iDay & "-" & MonthName(iMonth) & "-" & lYear)
End Function
6. You may get the converted date in number format like below
7. To change the date format into the desired format, right-click on the cell and select ‘Format Cells…’
8. In the ‘Number’ tab, click on ‘Date’ category and select the format type you want to display (here I have selected DD-MMM-YYYY format)
9. Done, your date is converted. You can drag the formula to other cells as well
To help you practice this code, we have made this code available through practice file. Click on the below link to download the practice file.
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