To ensure that your VBA project works smoothly without any error, you need to put lot of error handlers and validations. Here is one of them, below code can be used to check if the given path is valid or not. You just need to provide the path of the file to the function and it will check if the file exist at the location. If it returns True that means the file is available at the path, if it returns False that means it is invalid path or the file does not exist at the location.
'This function checks if given file path is valid or not
'If the function returns True that means file exist
'If the function retunrs False that means file does not exist at given path
Sub CheckFileExist()
Dim lAttributes As Long
Dim strFilePath As String
'Read the file path from Cell B4 and assign to the variable
strFilePath = Sheet1.Range("B4").Value
'Include read-only, hidden and system files
lAttributes = (vbReadOnly Or vbHidden Or vbSystem)
'If last character is slash then remove the same
Do While Right(strFilePath, 1) = "\"
strFilePath = Left(strFilePath, Len(strFilePath) - 1)
'If Dir returns anything that means the file exist
On Error Resume Next
If (Len(Dir(strFilePath, lAttributes)) > 0) Then
MsgBox "File exist at the location", vbInformation
MsgBox "File does not exist at the location", vbCritical
End If
On Error GoTo 0
End Sub
8. Select ‘CheckFileExist’ from the list and click on ‘Ok’ button
9. Done, enter a file path in cell B4 and click on the shape
Hope you liked this article !!
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