Excel supports more than 16 million colors in a cell; hence you should know how to set the exact color in a cell. To do this, you can use RGB (Red, Green, Blue) function in VBA to set the color of a cell. The function requires 3 numbers from 0 to 255 [e.g. RGB(234,232,98)]. Below is a practice code that changes cell colors to Green, Red and Blue.
'This function can be used to change the color of a
Public Sub ChangeCellColor()
'Change cell color to green
Sheet1.Range("C4").Interior.Color = RGB(0, 255, 0)
'Change cell color to red
Sheet1.Range("C5").Interior.Color = RGB(255, 0, 0)
'Change cell color to blue
Sheet1.Range("C6").Interior.Color = RGB(0, 0, 255)
End Sub
Open an Excel file
You can also read this post to know how to get RGB Codes of a Color.
VBA Code to Count Color Cell based on Conditional Formatting
VBA code that will sum cells by its color through excel function. This code will really help in making the analysis and presentation better.
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