Watch Excel Tutorial Video – Excel Function – COUNTIFS

COUNTIFS Function in Excel

COUNTIFS function is used to get the total count for number of times the various criteria across ranges are met.

COUNTIFS Function has one required arguments i.e. criteria_range1, criteria1 and Optional arguments i.e. [criteria_range2, criteria2]…

We can place multiple criteria or conditions in function by separating them with comma ( , )

=COUNTIFS(criteria_range1, criteria1, [criteria_range2, criteria2]…)
Syntax Description:

criteria_range1 argument is used to give the range in which criteria1 needs to find

criteria1 argument is used to give criteria for count. We can give value (example “A”, >10, 50) or cell reference# (example: F2) in this argument

[criteria_range2] optional argument is used to give the ANOTHER range in which criteria2 needs to find

[criteria2] optional argument is used to give criteria2 for count. Value or cell reference# can be given.

Kindly note, we can add multiple criteria in the function by separating them with Comma ( , )

Example 1: COUNTIFS function with Single Criteria

Here, we want to get the count of students who obtained Grade A:

  • “Column A to D” has students details,
  • “Column F” shows the sample criteria1, that is to be counted,
  • “Column G” shows the sample formula applied,
  • “Column H” shows the output of the function and,
  • Explanation is provided in Column “I”

We will be using COUNTIFS function as follows:

– Example 2: COUNTIFS function with Multiple Criteria:

Here, we want to get the count of Male Students (criteria1) who have obtained Grade A (criteria2):

  • “Column A to D” has detail of students,
  • “Column F” shows the sample criteria1, that is to be counted,
  • “Column G” shows the sample criteria2, that is to be counted,
  • “Column H” shows the sample formula applied,
  • “Column I” shows the output of the function and,
  • Explanation is provided in Column “J”

We will be using COUNTIFS function as follows:


Hope you learnt this Function,

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