COUNTIFS function is used to get the total count for number of times the various criteria across ranges are met.
COUNTIFS Function has one required arguments i.e. criteria_range1, criteria1 and Optional arguments i.e. [criteria_range2, criteria2]…
We can place multiple criteria or conditions in function by separating them with comma ( , )
=COUNTIFS(criteria_range1, criteria1, [criteria_range2, criteria2]…)
criteria_range1 argument is used to give the range in which criteria1 needs to find
criteria1 argument is used to give criteria for count. We can give value (example “A”, >10, 50) or cell reference# (example: F2) in this argument
[criteria_range2] optional argument is used to give the ANOTHER range in which criteria2 needs to find
[criteria2] optional argument is used to give criteria2 for count. Value or cell reference# can be given.
Kindly note, we can add multiple criteria in the function by separating them with Comma ( , )
Here, we want to get the count of students who obtained Grade A:
We will be using COUNTIFS function as follows:
Here, we want to get the count of Male Students (criteria1) who have obtained Grade A (criteria2):
We will be using COUNTIFS function as follows:
Hope you learnt this Function,
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