Excel Function RANK

RANK function performs the Ranking in a range or list of numbers. Function returns the rank position and can assigned as Highest or Lowest value as 1st rank as per order argument.

RANK function has two required argument i.e. number, ref and one optional argument i.e. [order]


Syntax Description:

number argument is used to give number value for which ranking is required

ref argument is used to give range or list of values from which rank to measure

[order] is optional argument and Value 0 or 1 can be given as per below requirements:

[order] = 0 or omitted: Highest value will be Ranked as 1st position (example: Value 5=Rank1, 4=Rank2, 3=Rank3, 2=Rank4, 1=Rank5 and so on)

[order] = 1: Lowest value will be Ranked as 1st position (example: Value 1=Rank1, 2=Rank2, 3=Rank3, 4=Rank4, 5=Rank5 and so on)

Excel Function RANK with [order = 0 or omitted] (Highest value is ranked first)

  • “Column A” contains number for which ranking is required,
  • “Column B” shows the sample formula applied,
  • “Column C” shows the output of the function and,
  • Explanation is provided in “Column D”
Excel Function RANK

Example 2: RANK function with [order = 1] (Lowest value is ranked first)

  • “Column A” contains number for which ranking is required,
  • “Column B” shows the sample formula applied,
  • “Column C” shows the output of the function and,
  • Explanation is provided in “Column D”
Excel Function RANK

Example 3: RANK function with [order = 1] (Lowest value is ranked first) with Repeat values

  • “Column A” contains number for which ranking is required,
  • “Column B” shows the sample formula applied,
  • “Column C” shows the output of the function and,
  • Explanation is provided in “Column D”

If list of values or ref argument has duplicate values, ranking for those values will be same across

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